Kokedama Workshop
Nov. 26th(Sat), 2022. 1 pm - 7pm
Nov. 27th(Sun), 2022. 10am - 3pm

Kokedama is a traditional Japanese Living Art form where moss is used as a container for a plant. In this interesting and hands-on workshop, you will learn the skills behind Kokedama and how to make your very own kokedama. Led by Kanako Yamada, owner of Kodama Forest.
Join Kodama Forest in learning how to make Japanese Kokedama. In this special material fee-only workshop, each person will create and take their own Kokedama, living house plants in the moss ball.
I will bring a variety of plants for you to choose from. Each plant has a different price but starting from as low as $20.
The fee includes all of the supplies needed to make your own Kokedama, including moss, soils, and all other materials needed. Kids Friendly!
*** Please supervise and help under 10 years old.
Workshop participants receive:
* Full questions and answers from an expert, about this Japanese art form “Kokedama”.
* All of the supplies needed to make your unique Kokedama, including one beautiful orchid plant, moss, soils, succulents, and all other materials needed.
* A unique, fun-to-make Kokedama that you can take home and enjoy, or give as a wonderful living .